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Heat map color choices (click for larger image):

ChipST2C - Example Output

Cluster heat map (Euclidean distance)
Cluster heat map (1-correlation)
Boxplot (log_2 scale)
Matrix plot of expression
Sample means plot
CV plot
P-value distribution plot
T-statistic distribution
Gene means plot
Cluster heat map for significant genes from all possible pairs (APP) t-test
Concentric rings of expression analysis (CREA)
Khan et al, log_2 scale, t-test (EWS vs. BL classes), treenodes for all possible class comparisions (t-tests)
Khan et al, log_2 scale, t-test (EWS vs. BL classes), 125 genes < Bonf=0.01, delta of average expression
Khan et al, log_2 scale, t-test (EWS vs. BL classes), 125 genes < Bonf=0.01, fold ratio using geometric means (GM)
Khan et al, log_2 scale, IPA upload file with 125 genes with fold change
Khan et al, log_2 scale, t-test (EWS vs. All others), treenodes for one against all (OAA) class comparisions (t-tests)
Cluster heat map for significant genes from one against all (OAA) t-test
Principal components analysis (PCA) of samples
Principal components analysis (PCA) of genes