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Operating System (OS)

NXG Logic software packages require Windows 10, and in most cases are backwards compatible with Windows 7.   Since Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, NXG Logic does not support Windows XP.  


It is recommended that a minimum of 16 GB of RAM are used for the Windows OS on which NXG Logic platforms are employed.  Disk space requirements are a user-specific responsibility.

Output Directory

All NXG Logic software packages will generate output files to a single subfolder having a package-specific name within the user's MyDocuments folder.   Results are not deposited in the data input source folder because of Window's increasingly vigilant stance on security, which prevents most software packages from writing files to folders located anywhere on a user's hard drive.  Microsoft's current Best Practice for Windows software manufacturers is to write program outputs into a single package-specific subfolder within the user's MyDocuments folder.  

Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, and Ransomware

NXG Logic software does not typically trigger anti-virus, anti-malware, or anti-ransomware signals.  However, there may be occasions where a user needs to create exceptions for the executable program (.exe), executable folder, or NXG Logic subfolder in MyDocuments.

API, Relational Database Technology

NXG Logic does not provide a SQL Library or application programming interface (API) to enable your applications to send SQL queries and statements through a server to data on remote hosts.


NXG Logic partnerships are based on reduced subscription pricing through a given partner's subscription licenses.   Perpetual software licenses from a partner can not be a basis for a partnership with NXG Logic.  For example, a university holds several seat licenses for access/usage of a partner's annual subscription.  NXG Logic could partner with this vendor and provide reduced annual subscription pricing to the vendor's licensees.  

Software Availability

NXG Logic only licenses annual subscriptions for access to its software packages.   Individual components, tools, and source code are not available for sale, licensing, or partnering.